
Tradu acest site.

Special thanks to KenyaSong for the translation

Nonograme este un joc logic cu reguli simple, dar cu soluţii dificile.

Regulile sunt simple.
Se dă o grilă formată din pătrate care trebuie să fie înnegrite sau marcate cu X. Lângă fiecare linie se află lungimile şirurilor de pătrate negre de pe linia respectivă. Deasupra fiecărei coloane se află lungimile şirurilor de pătrate negre de pe acea coloană. Scopul este să găseşti toate pătratele negre.
Apasă click stânga ca să înnegreşti un pătrat. Apasă click dreapta ca să îl marchezi cu X. Glisează cu mausul pentru a modifica mai multe pătrate.

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Become a Patron

We are on a mission to make this website the largest collection of free, playable puzzles on the web. We are constantly adding new puzzle types, features, and improvements.

It is so exciting that you are interested in joining our community of puzzle-loving patrons! As a patron you will get some goodies in return (applies for all games):

  • The ads will disappear. The site will load faster as a result.
  • You will be able to go back 30 daily, 10 weekly and 5 monthly special puzzles.
  • A tempting "Give Up" button will appear, which will test your resistance, and eventually show the puzzle solution if you happen to click on it.
  • Some personal statistics and charts (under construction)
You have to login first.
Monthly plan
Set your monthly contribution
(most patrons choose $2 or more)
Annual plan
Set your annual contribution
(most patrons choose $15 or more)

Minimum contribution: Monthly: $1; Annual: $10

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2025-03-28 23:41:05
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